Change my name, change my naaaame

I'm a little late with this fortnight's newsletter because I had/am still having a slight to severe existential crisis over my email address LOL.

My divorce decree states that my former name (AND GLORY) shall be restored to me, which feels great. I've applied for a new social security card and driver's license, both of which were mercifully and astonishingly easy to do.

And now I want a Fultz-free email address, and that turns out to be a potentially gigantic pain in the butt. I already have a significant trail of email addresses from different stages of my life, and while I still have jennifer.duann@gmail, that address has unfortunately been overrun by spammers.

Add to that ConvertKit, the tool I'm using to send this newsletter, has been bawling at me for months to get a domain name email, i.e. - which I did obtain (or at least a free trial). I considered using this as my primary life and work email, until I realized I don't...really want to pay for UNTIL I DIE.

So, because I cannot always distinguish which hills are *probably not worth dying on*, I am plowing ahead with a free Gmail so LET ME KNOW IF YOU GET THIS.

In mildly less unhinged news, I went back into the manuscript for A Mother Just Knows and OMG I missed these characters and stories so much!! See, this is why it's good to have multiple projects going at once, right? Right? For this week I'm going to go through and clean up the Rocketbook transcription bugs as a way to reacquaint myself with the manuscript (I hand-wrote this draft and then scanned it with OCR), and then I hope to add a lot of new words this month. But the only goal I'm officially tracking is to touch my manuscript every day.

Also, I may or may not be starting a podcast on midlife dating with my friend E STAY TUNED MUAHAHA

What I'm Reading

Let's be friends on Storygraph, the non-Amazon version of Goodreads that comes WITH CHARTS ABOUT BOOKS!

I continue to shovel down Wings of Fire books, and I've also discovered the romcom of Cathy Yardley, which I'm quite enjoying! I'm especially excited about Role Playing, which I'm reading right now, because it's the first really close comp I've found for my Pokemon Go project, even though grumpy-sunshine is not my favorite romance trope ever. Before that, I read her Love, Comment, Subscribe which was charming enough, and also got a very funny reaction from L who's really into Lego Star Wars YouTube and mildly horrified by romance so he was slightly offended by the idea of a YouTuber romance book lol


I'm drafting the acknowledgements section of my book little by little every week.

Thank you to my friend Knic for talking me through the first of what will likely be many ultimately harmless dating disasters last week.

Jennifer Duann

Parent, grad student, writer. I write stories about Asian American women, their parents, and their children.

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I've taken pottery wheel classes throughout my life, and I've always struggled with pulling the walls. (Well, I've struggled with everything, but my last round of classes in 2022 finally helped me nail down centering the clay and staying centered, mostly by slowing the fuck down. And if that's not a metaphor for my life, I don't know what is lol) Pulling the walls is the process of moving clay from the bottom of the piece out and up away to form whatever shape you're going for. Historically,...

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This Month I moved myself in, moved L in, started him in 3rd grade, started myself in 19th grade (OUCH lol), got my Ohio driver's license, tags, and registration, signed up for library cards, found my critical mass of 5-6 local mom friends from a delightful spectrum of past life stages, cooked a bunch of tasty food, started working on one of my book projects again, hiked and paddleboarded and found fossils, and went to Meijer, Costco, and Trader Joe's more times than strictly necessary. I am...